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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Thoughts on Taylor Swift's Clean Speech

Hey tenacious cookies. So, it's a Saturday night and I stumbled onto this amazing short speech by T-swizzle, which can be viewed here.

Honestly, I've been feeling a little down lately. Sometimes life just takes its toll on us and gets us down for a little bit. After hearing this speech though, I felt a bit better. I just wanted to tell you guys my thoughts about it, and why I think everyone should listen to it.

Lately, damaged has been quite a buzz word. By damaged I mean a person who has experienced something or made a mistake that left them forever changed in a negative manner. Women especially will describe themselves as damaged. I know it's a common word I used to describe myself after my first breakup. I told everyone that I was damaged, that I would never be the same, that my heart had turned cold and would never thaw. Even to this day, a few years later, I'm still not the same person I was. But, the thing is, as Taylor Swift said, we're not damaged, we're wiser because of our hardships and mistakes. That really resonated with me and changed the way I thought about the differences between who I am now and who I used to be. Instead of thinking I'm damaged I thought to myself maybe I was just too naive in the first place, and now I'm a wiser person. 

Additionally, she briefly touches on the idea that sometimes just getting out of bed and doing what needs to be done is good enough, even if it's not perfectly executed. I think everyone has days when they would rather lay in bed or sit around in their pajamas then go to school, to work, to face a boyfriend/friend, and we should mentally reward ourselves just for getting on with things.

Most importantly, Taylor Swift reminds us that we shouldn't compare ourselves to other people, because our perspective from the outside is skewed. Everyone has doubts, negative experiences, and insecurities, but we hide them very well with fake smiles, selfies for instagram, hundreds of friends on Facebook we never actually talk to in real life, etc. So, when you compare yourself to someone else you're judging your insecurities against the image they're projecting. That's not a fair comparison.

So Taylor Swift is a queen and such an amazing role model for everyone.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!!

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