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Monday, May 18, 2015

A Honest Review of Pitch Perfect 2

SPOILER ALERT!!! If you haven't seen the movie Pitch Perfect 2 yet and don't want us to spoil it for you, stop reading.

Hey tenacious cookies! 

So yesterday we went to see Pitch Perfect 2, and we decided to write an honest review of the movie for you guys. First off, this is just our opinion, and we don't want to offend anyone that really loved it. We are huge fans of Pitch Perfect, and we were so excited to see the sequel. However, in our opinion, it fell a bit flat. We're going to organize our ideas under general categories.

The Plot:

One of the largest issues we had regarding the movie is the plot. There were way too many subplots, and the whole movie was a bit of a jumbled mess. Between Becca's internship, "Legacy" trying to fit into the Bellas, love interests, etc, the movie just didn't feel cohesive at all. Moreover, instead of having so many subplots, we wish the movie would have further developed one of them, and cut out the rest. 
The other really frustrating thing about the plot is that it was so predictable. We get that it's a comedy, and it's supposed to make us feel good, but what's the point of watching a movie until the end if you already can tell what will happen?! Also, let's be real, DSM had a much better performance than the Bellas, they deserved to win at the end. 

The Humor:

Compared to the first movie, the humor in Pitch Perfect 2 is just okay. The jokes, in general, are more obviously funny. In the first movie the jokes we more witty and required a bit more thinking to find the humor. However, one thing we both noticed is that the humor in the second movie is borderline offensive and vulgar. We understand that that's what supposed to make it so funny, but we found ourselves cringing instead of laughing. Andrea, a Colombian, found the Hispanic jokes deeply insulting. Sara found the sexist jokes from the male commentator offensive. I guess we both believe that, as a society, we haven't progressed enough to be making those jokes, because people still discriminate against minorities every single day, and portraying discrimination as okay or funny via popular media desensitizes people to the issue.

The Music:

Overall, the music was fine. We really enjoyed some of the songs in this movie. However, there was one particular song that we both couldn't stand: Flashlight. When "Legacy" tried out for the Bellas and sang that song we thought "well it's cheesy but she has very little experience". However, when she collaborated with Becca we expected the song to get much better! We expected the lyrics to change so the song would be less cheesy. And then nothing really changed, except adding a pop beat, to make the song just like every other trashy song on the radio that makes you think "I could easily do that". Was this really the best original songs the writers could come up with?! This song will never be as popular as the infamous cup song from the first movie. The cup song is creative and different, while flashlight isn't memorable at all. Honestly they should have just got whoever wrote the original songs for Glee to write something for this movie.

The Characters:

To begin, normally we love Anna Kendrick. We enjoyed her performance in Into the Woods, The Last Five Years, and the original Pitch Perfect. However, in this movie we think she didn't really stand out as much, and it seemed like she wasn't giving her best performance. We know that for a large portion of the movie she's supposed to be disinterested and distracted, but even when she supposedly reconnects we didn't quite buy it or feel as impressed as we did in the first movie. However, in the first movie Becca was much more relatable, as an awkward college student trying to find where she belongs. This could be why we liked her better in the first movie, regardless of Kendrick's performance.We also disliked "Legacy," because it just seemed like she was trying too hard, and she got on our nerves. 

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this review! Let us know in the comments below what you thought of the movie. Do you agree, disagree, or want to elaborate on any of these ideas? All comments are welcome but be respectful of other people's opinions. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend :)

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